[Phpwm] Web log analyser

Stephen Orr steve at stephenorr.co.uk
Fri Nov 6 12:06:18 UTC 2009

You can set up Google Analytics to track file downloads too - I'm
pretty sure there's information on how to do that in their docs.
Obviously, it doesn't work if you're doing direct downloads, only if
you're going through a page first which is serving the file (but in
reality, you probably should be doing that anyway, precisely to enable
you to gather these sorts of statistics).

I don't know of anything better than AWstats for log file analysis -
I'm sure there's products out there, but it's just not something I've
ever needed to study.

2009/11/6 Mike Tipping <mike at etuna.co.uk>:
> I need a web stats package for a big site.
> Currently I use AWStats - but that only gives an overview of the top pages
> and Google Analytic - but that doesn't track file downloads.
> Can anyone recommend something that works through log file analysis and
> gives me the access stats for everything not just the top 50 pages.
> Cheers
> Mike
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