[Phpwm] PHP Website load times in Firefox

Ian Munday ian.munday at illumen.co.uk
Fri Oct 2 10:04:50 UTC 2009

On 2 Oct 2009, at 10:21, Mike Tipping wrote:

> Several of the sites I've built and manage seem to take an age to  
> initially
> load. These sites seem to be those that require a login so the delay  
> is the
> initial login screen which should just be checking to see if there  
> is a user
> in the session and displaying the login screen. Sometimes they load  
> OK but
> often enough to be annoying they take an age.
> I was thinking this could be a delay on the server side but if while  
> I'm
> waiting for the site to load, I open the same site is Safari on the  
> same
> computer it often loads straight away.
> I haven't had any clients complain about slow load times but I have a
> colleague who uses Safari most of the time and does get slow load  
> times.
> Does anyone know of any issues with Firefox and checking session  
> variables
> or tools that would tell me what the browsers is doing while I'm  
> staring as
> a blank screen.

I'd echo Alex's suggestion about the YSlow add-on for Firefox.  Click  
on the reference links it gives you read more on the Yahoo site -  
available at http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html

I've found the latest version of Firefox (3.5.3) running on my Mac (OS  
X 10.5.8 Leopard) starts off running fine, but periodically needs  
restarting (especially if you leave it running for days) as it seems  
to consume a huge amount of memory and really starts being sluggish.

Safari is my browser of choice for everyday browsing as I've always  
found it much quicker than Firefox.  Safari 4 does have a load of  
developer tools built in (turn on from the Advanced tab under  
Preferences), but Firefox still wins when doing development work.



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