[Phpwm] PHP Website load times in Firefox

Andy Cowan andy at w4.co.uk
Fri Oct 2 11:53:03 UTC 2009

It does. You're right David.

And with persistent connections on (which is the default), the 
mysql_connect() and mysql_select_db() won't actually do anything either 
- PHP will just reuse the existing connection.

My money is on a DNS issue. Specifically something like a reverse DNS 
lookup. DNS lookups timeout after exactly 30 seconds. 2 minutes exactly 
is obviously a multiple of 30 secs.


On 02/10/2009 12:27, David Goodwin wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
>> AND it always takes exactly 2 minutes (OK 1 minute 60 seconds according to
>> net) on my computer. It looks like the MYSQL server has taken a dislike to
>> my IP address and is purposely delaying the connection?
> I always thought the connection to the MySQL server would originate from
> the web server.... so it wouldn't matter where the web browser is/was
> connecting from.
> David.
> - --
> David Goodwin
> [ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
> [ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]
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