[Phpwm] Desperate, poor, student seeks help from lovely people

Martin Meredith martin.meredith at mobilefun.co.uk
Fri Oct 9 10:41:59 UTC 2009

I don't know if anyone else got it, but I was expecting something along the
lines of a 419 :D

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 10:41 AM, SonniesEdge <sonniesedge at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> [I've cross-posted this to a few regional F/OSS lists, which means an
> automatic apology from me]
> I know times are tight right now, but I hope somebody out there is in a
> fortunate enough position to help me. Succinctly, I'm seeking some part-time
> work: LAMP web programming ideally, but I'm able enough to turn my hand to
> most tech things if necessary.
> Why am I looking for work? I'm a mature student (is 30 mature? Gawd, I hope
> not), in my final year at Staffordshire University, studying for a degree in
> Applied Information Technology. I've just finished at my full-time job,
> decided to stop studying part-time for a few hours here and there (and
> therefore stop dragging out my graduation date by years) and to simply get
> my degree finished as soon as possible by studying at full pelt. (People
> generally at this point say things like "Oooh, well done!" or "How brave!")
> Thing is, I've still got a mortgage & bills to pay and, more importantly, I
> fear losing what skills I've learnt if I'm not applying them practically
> during this time. You can see my problem.
> So I'm here, essentially writing a begging letter to all you nice strangers
> out there, hoping one of you has some scraps of work that you're willing to
> throw my way. I'm looking for about 15 hours worth of work a week, ideally
> as an employed individual, but if I really have to I'll submit to
> contracting (dealing with self-employment is just a bother while studying).
> You can check out my CV here:
> http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddvv83j2_20g9fc5ddf It's pretty chocka and
> you can trace my progression from web designer through to baby systems admin
> / web programmer.
> I'm clean, intelligent, but unfortunately, ginger. Rejection of me on that
> last point is perfectly understandable.
> Charlotte Owen
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