[Phpwm] Email to Database application

Gavin Kimpson gkimpson at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 13:30:06 UTC 2009

Hi guys,
Sorry in advance, this is directly a PHP question, but I am sure someone
will be able to help - I've got a client that wishes to have a system that
sends out an email to all their customers, the customer replies to this
email (in Outlook, Thunderbird etc..) and using an external application
stores the contents from the email within an MySQL Database. I have seen
some applications like 'Email2DB' - while this looks decent it seems
'bloated' in my view and if you require more advanced scripts (which I'll
need) you have to use the built-in VB scripting engine (and I haven't
touched anything like that since QBasic all them years at Uni!!)

Has anyone else come across this issue, if so do you know of a good product
(paid or open source) that does this pretty well?

Any advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
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