[Phpwm] Dynamic CSS menus with round corners

Gavin Kimpson gkimpson at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 14:13:15 UTC 2009

Hi guys,

Apologies as this isn't really directly a PHP question, I just wanted advice
on how other people would approach this -

I have a horizontal navigation menu that is generated via PHP/MySQL, each
link on the menu will have a rollover effect. This 'hover' effect will
display a rounded border around the text link (with a fill of one solid
colour) - The issue I have is that the menu will have words of different
sizes so cannot use a single background image to use for the hover effect -
also as this menu is generated via a custom built CMS they are likely change
these links later on.

I just wonder how you guys (and girls) generate menus that use 'rounded
corners' that are populated via a database. (I'm not much of the designer so
tend not to use 'rounded corner' nav menus usually)

Note - I found this (NiftyCube) that practically does exactly what i'm
trying to do but the buttons generated are of all the same width (i'd need
something to generate the width 'on-the-fly' so to speak so some would have
bigger widths than others)

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