[Phpwm] Next Meeting: Tuesday 10th Nov 2009 on Web Sockets

Rob Allen rob at akrabat.com
Sat Oct 31 09:53:04 UTC 2009

Hi all,

David seems to be spending more time travelling to/from London than  
anything else at the moment, so I thought I'd be efficient and remind  
you that the next PHPWM meeting is less than a fortnight away.

At 7:30pm on Tuesday 10th November, Peter Measham will be presenting a  
talk called "Web Sockets: JavaScript HTTP Push Without The Poll" at  
the Holiday Inn Express - Birmingham City Centre (65 Lionel Street  
Birmingham, B3 1JE).

Afterwards, we'll no doubt retire to the pub next door for a drink.

Put it in your calendar now and then you'll have no excuse not to be  



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