[Phpwm] Anyone else having Issues with Google Docs API today?

Pete Graham petegraham1 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 10:59:31 UTC 2009


I've got a website that uses the Google Docs API as a backend. It uses
Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets. It had been working before the weekend but
now throws the following exception:
'Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException' with message 'Expected response code
200, got 500 Internal Error'
When I call: $feed = $this->gdClient->getSpreadsheetFeed();

Has anyone else experienced this problem? This is failing for both my
normal Google account and a Google Apps Premium account. I'm wondering
is the API has changed or if Google are having issues with their
webservices, this had been working fine for sometime now. I've
contacted Google and am currently awaiting a response.


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