[Phpwm] [phpwm] Database extraction

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Sat Apr 10 14:37:35 UTC 2010

> Some cool features though are the built in support for nested sets,
> the "timestampable" behavior, the softdelete behavior.
> It also has some nice syntax for example:

What's softdelete? Propel has the concept of behaviours to give you e.g. timestampable stuff.

> Doctrine::getTable('Users')->findOneByFieldname('test'); // where
> Fieldname can be any of the fields in the table.

In Propel :

$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(UserPeer::FIELDNAME, 'test');
$user = UserPeer::doSelectOne($c);

> Might be worth taking a look at both Propel and Doctrine and seeing
> what suits your needs the best :)



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