[Phpwm] SVN training

Stephen Orr steve at stephenorr.co.uk
Fri Apr 16 06:04:36 UTC 2010

I think I'm just going to push towards having a private repo on Github for
our potential move. Yes, it will cost money, but all the sysadmin stuff we'd
otherwise have to do is handled for us - and that way, we get all their cool
features for watching the overall state of the project.

On 15 April 2010 19:40, Peter Measham <pmeasham at gmail.com> wrote:

> > So it seems quite likely we [palepurple] will move to using git-svn,
> > until I'm brave enough to move trac over to using git as it's backend.
> The git trac browser still looks to need a few improvements, as you
> dont seem to be able to view branches:
> http://nanosleep.org/proj/trac-git-plugin/browser
> The bzr and mercurial branches seem well handled in the others though:
> http://trac.edgewall.org/pysqlite.org-mirror/browser/hg (mercurial)
> http://bugs.bitlbee.org/bitlbee/browser (bazaar)
> (I'm assuming the bzr branches are at the top level, I dont know bzr that
> well.)
> Git does have a few nice web interfaces, along with its standard perl
> one though:
> http://code.fealdia.org/viewgit/?a=summary&p=viewgit (PHP)
> http://hjemli.net/git/cgit/ (C)
> Peter
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