[Phpwm] Next meeting: Integrating PHPTAL into Zend Framework (Alex Mace)

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Mon Aug 2 20:39:05 UTC 2010


Next meeting: Integrating PHPTAL into the Zend Framework
Speaker: Alex Mace
Venue: Birmingham Science Park Aston (see http://tinyurl.com/2dmsb2e)
Date: 10th August 2010
Starts: 7:30pm

Abstract: PHPTAL is a PHP implementation of Zope Page Templates. Unlike
alternatives such as Smarty, PHPTAL is a templating system that forces
you to create well-formed XHTML templates, with correct escaping of
output and a robust translation support. Namesco has created Ztal to
make it easy to use PHPTAL as the view component of Zend Framework's
MVC stack. This talk covers installing and using Ztal, working with
PHPTAL templates and guidance for moving from Zend_View and related
components to their PHPTAL equivalents

Some of us will try and arrive early, and be at the Sack of Potatoes.
We'll probably go there afterwards too.

If anyone has any problems finding the venue, feel free to phone me -
07792 380669.


(I'm having a huge amount of deja-vu writing this, but I can't find
what I thought I sent last week to the list in the archive.... so here
goes a second time)

David Goodwin 

[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]
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