[Phpwm] PHP/MYSQL report designer

Lester Caine lester at lsces.co.uk
Thu Dec 30 19:52:15 UTC 2010

Mo Awkati wrote:
> Downloaded iReport and it seems the one I can use- will have to play
> with it but it will do what I want.
There are a few 'non' php solutions, but the agro of adding and managing yet 
another layer of server code ....

> Can't use Google Charts because of
> the nature of the data I am dealing with.
Much the same problem here. Council data can't be 'offloaded' to anything that 
is not under the councils own security, so everything must run on local servers.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
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