[Phpwm] Google Maps API - Plotting a Route

Oliver Mortimer Oliver.Mortimer at spinningclock.com
Tue Feb 9 12:02:25 UTC 2010

I'm trying to add multiple points to a map, with polylines joining them together, and then save the points to MySQL to use later.

I don't know a lot about JavaScript, so finding it a bit difficult.

At the moment, I can save 1 point to the database, and I can pull all points that have been saved and show them on a map.  I can also drop markers onto a map with polylines inbetween them, but can't get my head around saving multiple markers to the database. 

-----Original Message-----
From: phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk [mailto:phpwm-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of David Goodwin
Sent: 09 February 2010 11:43
To: West Midlands PHP User Group
Subject: Re: [Phpwm] Google Maps API - Plotting a Route

Surely you'd only want to save the end points?

In which case why save to mysql?

Perhaps I'm missing something.

> Does anyone know of any good examples on how to plot a route using  
> the Google Maps API, then saving this data to MySQL for displaying  
> later?
> Many thanks,
> Oli

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Oliver Mortimer
Web Developer & ICT Manager

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