[Phpwm] Pear::Var_Dump equivalent

Jujhar Singh jujhar at medilinkwm.co.uk
Tue Jan 26 20:56:01 UTC 2010

Morning all,


I've been using Pear's Var_Dump library for years, it has an awesome
feature that will render a variable/array into an HTML table which makes
debugging a lot easier.  The only downside to it is that I always have
to add loads of pear crap to get it to work.

Does anybody out there have an alternative?  I know that if xdebug
installed  is installed it will override PHP's native var_dump feature
to produce a nice readable output, but I can't always guarantee that
xdebug will be installed in every environment that I work in.


What do you guys use for variable dumping?




Jujhar Singh

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