[Phpwm] Where did all the PHP developers go?

Tim Williams T.M.Williams at cs.bham.ac.uk
Tue Mar 23 16:30:38 UTC 2010

On Tue, 23 Mar 2010, Ed Lea wrote:

> Well I can't find anyone at £30k and I'm near Leamington (so not far from
> cov). Can't see who it was that mentioned it, but I think people are pretty
> happy to stay where they are due to the unpredictable climate. If someone
> has a secure job at the moment, I don't think they'd risk it.

The problems in the housing market probably don't help, for a lot of 
people right now, if the job isn't commutable it may be a bit of a 

Tim W

Tim Williams BSc MSc MBCS - Euromotor Autotrain
Web : http://www.autotrain.org
Tel : +44 (0)121 414 2214 (ext 42214 on internal phone)

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