[Phpwm] Broadband recommendations.

Martin Meredith martin.meredith at mobilefun.co.uk
Mon Oct 4 15:25:19 UTC 2010

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Andy Cowan <andy at w4.co.uk> wrote:

> On 4 October 2010 16:15, Martin Meredith <martin at sourceguru.net> wrote:
>> On 02/10/10 20:51, Andy Cowan wrote:
>>> I'd mention WebTap as well - we resell them, so we've got 70ish lines
>>> with them - and they're very good. Good at getting the best carrier in each
>>> exchange, whatever that might be, and then a good quality service over that
>>> wholesale line.
>> Link? I can't find an ISP called WebTap
> Sorry Martin - WebTap = Web Tapestry, who you've already mentioned. I was
> agreeing with you :-)
> http://http://www.webtapestry.net/ (but you already knew that!)

Aha, ok, I get it now!!! I only reccomend as I've previously used them when
I could only get ADSL, and they managed to get me a line where everyone else
said it was impossible AND they also managed to impress me by having decent
support. (Actually knowing what I meant when I sent them a  traceroute :D)
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