[Phpwm] Broadband recommendations.

Alex Mace alex at hollytree.co.uk
Thu Sep 30 18:59:50 UTC 2010

I'm with Plusnet who you should avoid at all costs. I've been with them for 4 weeks and in that time they disconnected my phone for 4 days, kept the broadband off for 3 weeks and got rumbled for sending personal data to ACS:Law without a court order.

(Sidenote: if the plusnet developers who came to PHPWM a couple of months ago are reading this, I'm still waiting to hear back from your customer loyalty team after I rejected 2 months free as not being good enough compensation. They said 48 hours 4 days ago...)

Previously I was with Sky which was fast, reasonably priced and had good support.


On 30 Sep 2010, at 19:51, Carl Sutton wrote:

> Im on BT about £20 pm with phone etc. Its meant to be 20mbps but not, although its pretty quick. Never had a days problems with them. Upload is slow though
> Carl Sutton
> dogmatic69.com
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Mike Tipping <mike at etuna.co.uk> wrote:
> Currently I'm on an original 512k down 256k up broadband connection that I
> get through a hosting company I deal with. The support is great but it's not
> cheap and getting anything faster will cost a fortune with them.
> Looking on the internet the market nowadays seems to largely comprise of
> cheap no frills limited providers or companies that only work when they have
> their equipment in their exchange.
> I need an provider with decent support, fixed IP addresses (I've been amazed
> at how many ISP's I've spoken to don't know what one is, let alone provide
> one) and the ability to provide broadband in my very rural exchange.
> So who does everyone else use and are they any good?
> Cheers
> Mike
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