[Phpwm] PHP Dev(s) wanted (contractor(s), ~6+ months)

David Goodwin david at palepurple.co.uk
Tue Apr 19 16:32:19 UTC 2011


I'm looking for good PHP contractor(s) within the West Midlands/UK; you'd need to be able to visit us every so often for meetings and so on. but otherwise it should be no problem for you to work remotely.

Skills etc :

 * Object Oriented development, Continuous Integration, PHPUnit etc.
 * Zend Framework
 * Cassandra
 * PHP 5.3
 * MySQL
 * Web services (Google/etc).
 * Online payment handling (Worldpay/Google/Paypal)
 * Mobile applications support + development  (so JSON API will be required as well).
 * Facebook/Twitter/OAuth integration
 * Deployment via EC2 or an.other cloud
 * Trac + Git

Contact duration is likely to be 6 months or longer. The project should be starting on 1st May - although I don't have a problem if you start e.g. a few weeks after this. 

At the moment we're still gathering requirements - so the above list of things may change. I don't expect you to know them all, but a willingness to learn would be beneficial :-)

If anyone is interested, please send your CV through to me.


Pale Purple Ltd.  (Company No: 5580814)
'Business Web Application Development and Training in PHP'

Office: 0845 0046746     Mobile: 07792380669 

Follow us on Twitter: @PalePurpleLtd

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