[Phpwm] Symfony2 • Git(hub) • Pagodabox • PHPfog

Ed Lea edleadesign at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 08:30:57 UTC 2011

Hi. I'm looking to totally overhaul my dev environment. I'm stuck in 2007.

Firstly, I should warn you that I'm a graphic designer (
http://bit.ly/edlea-info ), but I love to code and have been using Seagull
framework for too long. Time to switch to something else and symfony looks
good (I don't want to wait for zend framework 2).

I think my ideal setup is as per the subject:

git + github
cloud service like Pagodabox or PHPfog

I mostly like to develop my own projects, this isn't for clients. For
example I currently run http://www.soopsee.com

So what I need some advice on is:

1) what do you think about this setup?
2) I'd like to get a leg-up on symfony and I wondered if anyone teaches it.
Like a 1 day crash course or something? Sounds crazy, but I think I'd learn
faster that way.

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