[Phpwm] Apache DoS vulnerability

Rob Allen rob at akrabat.com
Sat Aug 27 20:13:44 UTC 2011

Thanks for the heads-up, David.  I'm back from a week's holiday today, so have updated my apache conf files appropriately with the info from http://lwn.net/Articles/456513/



On 25 Aug 2011, at 14:47, David Goodwin wrote:

> On 25 Aug 2011, at 14:31, Martin Meredith wrote:
>> Nice little command there David.
>> Dan, the one with the 206 is vulnerable.
>> Luckily- I  spent the morning patching...
> I did that stuff last night; I think.
> If you have e.g. PHP answering /, (e.g. via rewrite etc etc) then I think you just need to change the URL to point to a static image (e.g. /favicon.ico) - then it'll work.
> If it returns a Content-Length > 90k then you're vulnerable.
> See lwn.net for a good article/post etc on the problem. I used the headers module to remove the range thing approach.
> thanks,
> David.
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