[Phpwm] July's meeting - lightning talks (request for proposals/speakers)

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Fri Jun 10 12:46:37 UTC 2011


I've not got anything organised for this coming Tuesday (14th June), but propose we have a lightning session of talks for the next meeting (July 12th I think).

Anyone wish to volunteer talks - presumably anything between 10 and 30 minutes long... it need not be related to PHP directly - so could be how to do something interesting with MySQL/Mongo/Redis/whatever 

I'm happy to talk about  :

1. XDebug profile analysis (aka how to mess up caching with Zend_Cache) (Probably worthy of calling an anti-pattern)

2. Optimisation of a wordpress site (tactics to decrease the page load time for a site that's quite heavy with adverts).



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