[Phpwm] Which browser version?

Richard Wallman richard at wallman.org.uk
Thu Mar 24 16:27:39 UTC 2011

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 04:00:34PM +0000, Dan Dart wrote:

> Want a site-lift?

Yeah, nice thought, but it's not going to happen.

I work with someone who works in...let's say a Very Big Banking
Institution. Their intranet only works in IE6 and fails in later
versions of IE and in FF.

Why don't they update it? Because no business unit is willing to bear
the development cost. While it still works, no-one is going to put their
hands in their pockets to "fix" things. And this is an organisation that
thinks nothing of replacing entire rows of racks of servers on a yearly
basis, so they're not exactly short of a penny or two.

What is likely to happen when MS drops IE support (and that's not until
2014 BTW) is that corporate security is going to get even more
restrictive. The IE6 installs may survive, but the browser locked (via
mandatory proxy) to the intranet and alternative browsers used for
"general purpose" stuff.

If and when they do decide to replace their intranets, you and I will
never hear about it. It'll be passed to the same development companies
that built the original intranet, and so history is likely to repeat

Richard Wallman

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