[Phpwm] cURL problems possibly related to cPanel

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Tue Mar 27 14:34:48 UTC 2012

I might have had one customer with a similar problem - which appeared to be related to the version of libcurl installed. In that, when PHP was upgraded, so was libcurl. Downgrading libcurl appeared to fix the problem.

So, you might want to try downgrading libcurl3 to something like :  7.18.2-8lenny5  

I think when I needed to do this I had to manually download the package and install it though dpkg.

(That assumes you're running Lenny still… and it's really the same issue)


> Hi,
> I have a crazy issue with not being able to perform a cURL POST to Barclays after I upgraded PHP. The reponse I get back is "The HTTP method received is not valid.  Only POST is accepted."
> I have since rolledback PHP, however the problem still persists. I also had cPanel reinstalled which didn't fix the problem. The application is hosted at Rapid Switch who have escalated this to second and third tier support agents who have found no issues with cURL or the server setup.
> I moved the application to another server and it works with no issues. I then had another server build from Rapid Switch that had Plesk installed rather than cPanel, and the the script works on there too!
> I've googled the error for endless HOURS, with no joy.
> Has anyone seen this response before? Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Sukh
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