[Phpwm] Looking to outsource a project

Dave Holmes dave at instiller.co.uk
Wed Sep 11 08:32:40 UTC 2013

Hi Guys,

A while since I've seen anything on this group but thought it might be 
worth a shot.

I'm looking to outsource a project at the moment which is predominantly 
JS based dom manipulation using JQuery or Mootools with a smattering of 
PHP work.

Any interested parties send me your contact details along with some idea 
of your past work, rates etc. We would be looking for a fixed price 
quote for the delivery of the specified project.

Thanks in advance


Instiller Logo <http://www.instiller.co.uk> 		
Dave Holmes
Technical Director
dave at instiller.co.uk <mailto:dave at instiller.co.uk>
T 0870 41 777 41  | M 07966 013 309
1 Park Farm Barns | Packington Lane | Stonebridge | CV7 7TL

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