[Preston] IPCop

Matthew Field preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Nov 5 02:57:00 2002

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At 00:21 05/11/2002, you wrote:

The original post doesn't seem to have come my way but I'll add what I can.

> >  First of all, I had problems creating the actual IPCOP CDROM. I
> > downloaded
> > the 26MB .ISO file from Sourceforge but being fairly new to all this, I
> > simply copied it to a CDROM drive using EASY CD CREATOR 5. It didn't=
> > (of course) so then I downloaded ISOBuster to extract the
> > directories/files in the ISO image and then copy them to a CDR using
> > Easy CD Creator.
>No, that won't work ;-) An ISO image is a ready-made CD. What you need to=
>is write the ISO image directly to the CD without any interference. On your
>Redhat box, the command would be:
>         # cdrecord -data filename.iso
>(but if you haven't already got a CD writer working on that machine don't
>attempt it yet)
>I am certain Adaptec and Nero have the ability to do this... try "Write CD
>from Image" or similar.
>If you're still having trouble let me have your address and I'll bung you a
>disk in the post.

Yes, they have. In Nero 5.5 go to the FILE menu and burn image... then just=
select the .iso file

> > Next I tried to boot from the floppy disk again (having also created the
> > driver diskette). There are no drivers on the driver diskette for
> > my netgear
> > NIC so I copied the FA311.o file to the driver diskette and tried again.
>I'm not sure you can add NIC drivers to the IPCOP installation and I've
>never tried it. If the NIC is not supported by IPCOP then it is safest to
>assume it will not work. A Realtek 8139 10/100 PCI NIC can be had for about
>=A35 + VAT.

I'd second that. I don't like the Netgear FA310/311 cards anyway they've=20
always caused me grief sooner or later even in Windows boxes. Although I=20
seem to remember from Smoothwall (IPCOP was derived from Smoothwall) setups=
that it is possible to add drivers.

> > Once (If?) I finally get IPCop install to recognise my NIC and apply the
> > appropriate driver, what do I need to do with the .iso file that I
> > originally downloaded?
>Nothing at all.
> > I have several other machines on my lan:
> > Windows ME, Windows 98 and a Redhat 7.3 box. Do I need to set up an HTTP
>or FTP server
> > on one or other boxes in order to "serve" the ".iso" file? Maybe the=
> > file should be extracted first using ISObuster or winimage perhaps? I do
> > have samba installed on the RH 7.3 box and have a shared partition on=
> > windows ME box of 1.2GB does that help me in any way?
>Now I'm confused. It isn't meant to be so difficult :-) I recommend against
>attempting a network install.

I'm not sure what you mean either. The .iso creates a CD and isn't needed=20
after that unless you want another CD. The CD then is used to install IPCOP=
on a spare box, unless you need to reinstall then that is the last you will=
need of either.
What kind of install are you doing?
1 NIC + modem?
2 NICs?
3 NICs?


