[Preston] Linux on a 486

Matthew Field preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Sep 18 00:14:01 2002

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At 20:57 17/09/2002, you wrote:

>XsCode wrote:
>>Hi Adrian
>>I'd be interested in that, I have plenty of distro's I could bring along on
>>CD's.  Where would it be hosted?
>TES Limited
>Bow Lane
>PR25 4YA
>The postcode should help if you use the street map thing to locate the place.
>Times would be from 7:00pm onwards to suit what people want to try and 
> From the other post the best day is Thursday up to now.
>Providing the place is keaped tidy the boses said they would not object
>Any one else interested

I'd be interested but unfortunately it clashes with the alternate week when 
I work relatively late so wouldn't be able to get there until 9pm ish, 
probably too late to achieve much but I may still turn up if it goes ahead.
I think this may have been the problem with the Greyfriars, no one felt 
they were achieving anything by attending and so attendance has dropped 
off. Don't get me wrong but over the summer with the light evenings I've 
had more productive things to do than sit in a pub, especially when I can't 
drink anything (driving).


