[Preston] Linux on a 486

XsCode preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Sep 18 20:32:00 2002

try the university.. they used to do recon units


-----Original Message-----
From: preston-admin@mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:preston-admin@mailman.lug.org.uk]On Behalf Of John
Sent: 18 September 2002 19:55
To: preston@mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Preston] Linux on a 486

Does anybody know where I can get hold of one or more old cheap PC's??? I am
toying with the idea of setting one up as a dedicated firewall using IPCop
but I don't want to fork out tons of cash for it... Does anybody have any
idea on prices of anything from say an old 486 up to a Pentium P100 / P133
that would do the job for me? Also, does anybody know of any places were old
kit gets recycled out at knock down prices? I know the computer fairs up at
Deepdale tend to have job lots but they always seem to be on when I have got
my kids for the weekend.... I believe there is a computer shop based
somewhere in Kirkham and another on Friargate but I would imagine that those
places would not bother to deal in such old kit (unless they are in to
hoodwinking the unwary non-computer-savvy home buyer he he he).... Any
advice both on the technicalities of IPCops and hardware would be greatly



----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Blundell" <alan.blundell@lineone.net>
To: <preston@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Preston] Linux on a 486

> I can make it next Thursday & bring tiny linux / RH4.1 / zipslack (from
> my extensive collection of old linux distros ...)  It'll be good to meet
> some of the people whose mail I've been reading this last few weeks!
> PS: saw on LinuxToday that RH 8.0 is due out imminently.  Doesn't that
> ALWAYS happen when someone's spent ages downloading the previous version?!
> Phil Edwards wrote:
> snip
> > along with the disks. Alternatively, if anyone has a copy of something
> > will happily run on one of my 486 machines, I could bring my PII along
as it
> > is (RH7.2) and we could have a go at a network install of something.
> snip
> > By the way, if anyone wants RH7.3, I have recently downloaded it from
one of
> > the mirror sites and could burn a few spare copies over the weekend.
> snip
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