[Preston] This month meeting next Weds

Phil Robinson preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Aug 31 12:32:01 2003

Hi Everyone,

I'm sure the pub would be fine for this month's meeting. I shall try to
hobble along, I've just had my operation so I'm still a bit sore and have a
belly full of staples, (they'll be using sellotape next) but I should be a
bit better by Wednesday.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Guy Heatley" <guy@remember-tomorrow.co.uk>
To: <preston@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 1:32 PM
Subject: [Preston] This month meeting next Weds

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> I have just been looking on the PLUG website and the results of the vote
> appear to suggest a topic of "Using Java with Linux". This is OK by me.
> this should include .Net implementations like Mono as well - "Virtual
> machines with Linux" perhaps would be a better title.
> The only fly in the ointment is the venue for this coming meeting. As some
> may know the Kirkham building is now not part of the Dept of Technology so
> can't really hold a meeting in there (primarily because there is no
> furniture!)
> The new technology building is that newly built one at the top of Fylde
> Delightfully there is actually a Linux lab in there (this building is
> with the Dept of Computing). The problem is there are issues concerning
> getting access to this building because the building is not fully
> comissioned, all the equipment is not yet in there, and there is a
> of keys. I think late access is purely controlled by security staff at the
> moment.
> I will try to find out the score, and post here again on Tuesday evening.
> If all else fails we could just go to the Greyfriars.
> If anyone has any thoughts on anything I have just posted here please
> - --
> Guy
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