[Preston] DNS Question
preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Feb 6 11:58:02 2003
Andrew King wrote:
> Hi all,
> Despite spending a small while going through google and the likes,
> there's something I've still not figured out at DNS.
> Our network uses internal IPs, in the range We're one
> school out of many, and each school in Lancashire has been allocated a
> different set of IPs in this 10.x.x.x line.
> We have a link to the Internet, and to get an Internet connection, we
> need to point out workstations to the DNS servers and
> We then have to point our browsers to
> proxy.lancsngfl.ac.uk:8080 (since they firewall practically everything
> and just give us a proxy and DNS). That's fine, and it's what we're
> doing at the moment.
> I've recently been setting Linux up though and moving some of the
> functions of the network over to Linux - the first and second years
> now have a 25MB quota limit on their N:\ drives, and when they want to
> go on the Net, instead of going straight to the NGFL proxy, they go to
> our proxy, which asks for their NT username and password again, and
> then checks this off against an ACL in /etc/squid.conf to decide
> whether they're allowed on the Internet or not (if anyone wants to
> know how to do this stuff, let me know - I'm slowly writing up
> documents on how to do it and putting them on my site).
> I know we don't need it, but I'd /like/ to have internal DNS, if at
> all possible. Partly just so that I can set up a DNS server somewhere
> and learn how it's done. I've read a fair bit into BIND, and messed
> with config files, but that's all. Here's my question though:
> Our Linux server is It'd be much easier to call this
> something like timmy, for instance, so that I can refer people to our
> internal web site with:
> http://timmy
> instead of:
> Similarly, it'd be useful to be able to refer to things like network
> printers, wireless access points, important workstations, etc, by
> hostnames. We've got NetBIOS names, which are sometimes useful - but
> they're not always - they don't work for everything.
> So that's the question: how does DNS work on an internal network? Can
> I set up a DNS server that can resolve things on by
> itself or send on the request to a 'real' DNS server on the Internet
> if that doesn't work?
> If someone could clear that up for me, it'll save me a load of
> reading... thanks :))
> Andrew
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Hey Andrew,
Just thought I'd say hello, I recognise the IP number as I
have inputted this a thousand times myself, as I am working at some
schools in Chorley.
We currently have Linux servers in all these schools, even a couple of
dual boot desktops in one school. The linux servers act as local squid
proxys, make things quicker, DHCP server and serve out desktops to the
win98 boxes.
Sounds interesting what your doing, I am always looking to add more
functionality to our setup, so I can justify why I need to be 'playing'
on Linux all day.
Anyway just thought I'd say hello, are you at schools in Chorley?