[Preston] I don't post often

Databug preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Feb 14 19:16:01 2003

Hello all,
Sadly I'm no longer running Linux as my main OS. This is not cos I've
gone off Linux in any way but Un-fortunately I just don't find that
linux can offer me all the Tools that Windows can offer me. As an OS
Linux beats Windows hands down but there are soo many good programs on
Windows. I like writing music and to my Knowledge there is nothing on
Linux that can rival Cool Edit and Reason2 or even Fruity Loops.
Please anyone correct me if I'm wrong. Unfortunately too I'm not even
running Linux at all atm as Drive image discovered that I had Linux
installed and offered to "fix" it for me. It took me weeks to get my
drive sorted and recognized again. But thankfully I have Knoppix wich
was a God send and helped me sort everything out. Even to the point of
rescuing all my Windies programs. The lesson i have learned from this
experience is, When i again install mandrake it will be on a seperate
physical drive to Windows. I do wish for the day that Linux is taken
more seriously and commands a significant chunk of the desktop
usership. Then maybe Linux will get some top programs and games. (not
that Linux programs are bad, but you know what I mean).

That`s all for now

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I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets.