[Preston] KMail probs

Mike Williams preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Feb 16 08:37:01 2003

FTR - KMail dies without warning with low disk space, yep I had about 
3MB left on my partition.  Information was one line 2/3rds of the way 
down a fairly long, small font FAQ buried in the KDE website.  Sounds 
like the start of HHGTTG!

[Sorry for the brief problem description - it was jus before 
travelling on business and had not been able to download mail.  
Practically all the google news searches turned up German postings 
(downside of SuSe distrib).]


On 10 Feb 2003 at 12:54, Mike Williams wrote:

> Hi,
> Running KMail 2.2.1 under SuSe 7.3.  KMail has started exiting when 
> changin mail folder for no apparent reason.  My only guess is a 
> malformed e-mail is causing it to through a wobbly, but I have rather 
> a large amount of email to wade through to look for something odd.
> Any suggestions of approaches to the problem?
> Mike
> -- 
> I use moderation, but only in moderation.
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