[Preston] Some basic Linux questions

dazzle68 preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jan 8 00:00:01 2003

RPM [ Redhat Package Manager ] = Redhat and many distros based on Redhat 
(Mandrake,SUSE etc.)
Portage=Gentoo [ very Good :=) ]

For more info, check out www.distrowatch.com which is a useful site full of 
bumph on the latest Linux distributions , loads of them!!!

On Tuesday 07 January 2003 11:34 pm, Guy Heatley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday 07 January 2003 9:32 pm, you wrote:
> > So mandrake RedHat and suse are related then. Presumably
> > they work in similar ways. Does that means that programs (rpm's) for one
> > can be safely installed on another? maybe with minor adjustments.
> Mandrake and Suse stem originally from RedHat.
> As for different rpms, obviously one specific to your distro is better, of
> course. I think other ones can be used, but not in all cases. I am not
> really the best person to answer this question because I don't use a RH
> based distro. You could always compile the source!
> Maybe someone more enlightened than me could provide more info.
> - --
> Guy
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