[Preston] Hello

Caroline preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jan 8 23:32:01 2003

At 00:29 05/01/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm a bit new too (was here ages ago). I'm 20, live in Preston, and work=20
>in a local high school running their computer network for them (now 135=20
>workstations, 36 laptops, 33 printers, 10 switches, 4 servers and a power=
>supply), which is great fun and but keeps me busy. The plan for this year=
>is to find another job somewhere and escape to somewhere miles away, so=20
>I'll let you all know when the job becomes available, since if I don't=20
>recommend someone they'll take on a complete idiot who'll insist on=20
>"upgrading" everything that's not on win2k right away to 2k or something=20
>worse.  The pay isn't exactly great (~=A312k) but it's probably a way to=20
>better things.  I have started the assimilation process for you and leave=
>as much clear documentation as time allows me to write.
>Been using Linux for 4 and a half years now, as well as FreeBSD/OpenBSD a=
>bit.  I got rid of Windows off everything I own years ago (2000 I think),=
>and don't look back at all - much better off without it.  Why you lot all=
>insist on having these dual boot setups I'll never know, but I'm sure=20
>you've all got your reasons... (remember to send flames directly to me and=
>not to the list...).  I'll admit though to running Windows on a work=20
>laptop with a legit copy of VC++, since there's potential income there,=20
>and it's useful for work.
>As far as computers go, I'm just interested in making them as useful and=20
>fun as possible. Have probably concentrated on C, Perl, networking and=20
>programming graphics/guis under Unix, although I'm still at a fairly early=
>stage with all of it.
>I'm eager to help people make the switch, so please feel free to give me a=
>shout if you live in/around Preston and want some help.
>To anyone who's not been to one of the PLUG meetings (which were always in=
>pubs this time last year), they're great - come along. Anyone any idea=20
>what's happening next?
>Databug said that Caroline said:
>>>Hi All..
>>>I'm new, too. I'm a student at the uni here and have been dabbling with
>>>Linux for the past year or so. I'm at the stage where I can possibly name
>>>1/2 a dozen distros. Hmm.
>>>I'm in the middle of a re-build and planning to make my desktop machine
>>>tri-boot (?) with win 98, 2000 and Suse 8.1. It's an experience.
>>Try boot eh that sounds like fun. But why with win2000? winXP is much=20
>Each to their own I guess :) I prefer to stick with NT wherever possible -=
>bit more efficient and stuff.
>Caroline - I have known people with similar tri-boot setups - with any=20
>luck it shouldn't be too difficult.


I was putting Windows on because we're doing win programming at uni. (Sadly=
Linux doesn't get much of a look in on my course). As I understand it, Win=
98 is pretty useful if you want to be able to access com ports=20
directly  (future project, maybe?).

My main reason for putting on 2000 was because I fancied a change from 98=20
and it's only a 450MHz machine.
My Dad has just installed XP on his 500, though, so I might give it a go.

Everything seems to be going ok generally. The only problem so far has been=
a near fire caused by a loose internal speaker wire.  :-/

Thanks for the advice.  :-)
