[Preston] icon themes

Databug preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Jan 11 15:42:01 2003

Hello all
As I'm starting to settle in to Linux, I'm starting to customize it's loo=
k and=20
feel. I trained as a graphic artist so visual things are very important t=
me. I love the Gnome Icon set but I prefer the KDE enviroment. I've been=20
collecting all the best Gnome Icon images off the net but i was surprised=
find how hard it is to get hold of decent Gnome icons. I have basically f=
2 good sites. But i was wondering if anyone knows of anymore. Also what e=
should I be aware of with regard to chaning icon imagery. ie. is there so=
sort of pref file linking certain types of files to certain images. Is th=
any way to either specify more or less of such files. Basically can anyon=
steer me to usefull sites on creating icon themes?

__ _____  _____  ______  _____  _____  __ __  _____ _
_ /    /\/ _  /\/_  __/\/ _  /\/ _  /\/ // /\/ ___/\_
 / // / / _  / /\/ /\_\/ _  / / _  / / // / / /_-,\/_
/____/ /_//_/ / /_/ / /_//_/ /____/ /____/ /____/ ,__
\____\/\_\\_\/  \_\/  \_\\_\/\____\/\____\/\____\/___
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