[Preston] Wireless Internet connection
preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri May 9 14:28:01 2003
> At the meeting the other day we were discussing the potential for
> wireless Internet connections in Preston.
> I connect via a firewall: Smoothwall. I would want to use a firewall
> if I had a broadband connection.
> I believe the prism2 chipset is the best supported under Linux but I
> looked on the Smoothwall 1.0 distro disk in /lib/modules/2.2.23/net
> and I couldn't see a module that whose name suggested prism2
> (prism2_pci ?) support.=20
The driver I use is hostap_pci from http://hostap.epitest.fi with a =
> I also found this information:
> ftp://ftp.linux-wlan.org/pub/linux-wlan-> ng/README
Those drivers are IME harder to get working (unless they happen to come =
your distro) and less functional.