[Preston] Re: AntiVirus Software

Dougie Nisbet plug at highmoor.co.uk
Tue Mar 2 14:39:38 GMT 2004

On Thursday 26 February 2004 02:51, Granville Cousins wrote:
> Hello PLUG,
>   Could you advise me on any AntiVirus software that is available for
>   Linux users. I am currently running RedHat9.

There's a couple that I use off and on. There is a version of f-prot that is 
free for personal use, or small business use, or something like that. I can't 
recall the exact conditions. 

Another one I've started looking at recently is clamav. If you've got a 
permanent internet connection you can run a daemon which automatically keeps 
its virus definitions up to date. Which is nice.

Don't know the webpages for downloads I'm afraid but I'm sure if you search on 
freshmeat.net or google you'll find it soon enough. I'm a debian user so I 
don't know if there are any problems with these under redhat.

There's been some discussion recently on the spamassassin mailing list about 
the lack of virus scanners that integrate neatly with a mail program such as 
postfix or exim. I've tried amavis and didn't get on with it at all. It seems 
that integrating spamassassin with exim or postfix is pretty stable but 
getting a virus scanner that will scan incoming mail is still a bit of a 
tortuous process. 

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