[Preston] BBC Radio Listen Again website and Realplay

Matthew T. Atkinson matthew at agrip.org.uk
Mon Mar 15 17:33:33 GMT 2004


On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 17:22, Garry Taylor wrote:
> Hi gang,
>   I am trying to get http://launch.yahoo.com to work on my MDK 9.1 box
> with Netscape 6.x.
> When I connect to veiw a movie it says that I need netscape 4.x, but
> surly 6.x sould work?
> Any ideas, does anyone else use Launch.
> Thanx
> Gizard

I was really looking forward to this when I got ADSL but they seem to
just block any user agent that isn't IE.  Perhaps the steps I have used
successfully with the BBC Radio Player would work but I am not sure.

I am sure that the reasons for the block are not technical -- the
mplayer plugin for Mozilla/FireFox/etc is perfectly capable of playing
pretty much anything.

If you get time to try out the steps I just posted about on launch,
please let me know if it works.  I don't have time at the moment but it
would be great to get it working.

bye just now,

Matthew T. Atkinson <matthew at agrip.org.uk>

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