[Preston] Geexbox

Shahi Wadan s.wadan at burnley.ac.uk
Fri Nov 19 11:47:42 GMT 2004

Hi All,

I have downloaded GeexBox and burned it onto a cd using Roxio but unable to boot using this cd.  I have downloaded and burnt knoppix using Roxio and works fine.  Looking at the faq for GeexBox it states using dao, I don't get that option in Roxio and don't know whether it uses dao or tao.

faq also mentions using cdrecord, I have install knoppix onto another machine and tried burning the image using k3b but it burnt the file rather than the image.

The only software that I have which will recognise iso as an iso image is roxio, I have even tried Nero with no success.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.

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