[Preston] A meeting on Weds

Gareth Llewellyn gareth at ournetworkismadeofstring.co.uk
Mon Dec 5 08:16:21 GMT 2005

Pogga Ltd (www.Pogga.co.uk) will happily provide PLUG with whatever it needs
hosting wise.

And we'll help with the redesign if you want.

-----Original Message-----
From: preston-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:preston-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Guy Heatley
Sent: 05 December 2005 00:38
To: PLUG mailing list
Subject: [Preston] A meeting on Weds


There are a few things I would like to mention:

Firstly, there will be a meeting on wednesday in room CM18, C&T
building, Fylde Rd (opp the Students Union) Preston at 7:30 pm. The
top will be "Text processing with regular expressions". This will
include use of sed and awk etc. And we my take a look into a
mysterious problem with Jim's wireless network card.
There'll be drinks afterwards in the Greyfriar pub on Friargate at 9:00pm
Everyone welcome to either or both parts of the meeting.

Secondly: I think we need to look at our information technology setup.
For example, the website is pretty out of date. This isn't a criticism
of the website maintainer (Phil) because know he, like most of us, is
always busy.

I think we need some thing that incorporates the virtues of the
programmer: impatience, hubris and sloth. (i.e. minimum effort on the
part of the maintainers ;-)

I was thinking of some sort of content management system where PLUG
members could upload stuff like documentation they have created,
projects that interest them etc and it would all be under the PLUG
banner. I know we are not short of all kinds of expertise in the PLUG
membership. It would be nice to get any publications/how-to's/tips in
one place.

Anyone know of free hosting for CMS stuff e.g. plone? Any other ideas?

Thirdly: The day we meet.
What do PLUG members think about meetings on the Wednesday? Some have
said that Weds is difficult. Would another day be better?
Personally, I don't have a problem with Mon, Tues or Weds.
Any comments on the meeting day?


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