[Preston] Re: Preston Digest, Vol 53, Issue 2

Robert Reynolds unixbob at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 20:53:23 GMT 2005

a connect refused is either the iptables dropping the connection or
the webserver process isnt' running

Assuming you are running Apache:
1) is httpd running on the box?  i.e. has it actually started. 
Sometime an apachectl start won't return an error even though it won't
start the server.  The log specified in the ErrorLog directive will
explain why it won't start
2) If it is running then which IP's / ports have you configured apache
to listen on?  Have you setup the BindAddress or Listen directive so
that apache is listening for connections on for port 80

try a netstat -a to show which processes are bound to which IP's /
ports.  That might help track down why it's misbehaving



On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 19:56:23 +0000, Tarball <tarball at lycos.co.uk> wrote:
> >   I have installed centos as a server but I am having some problems.
> >   I want to use it as an Internet server. I have setup a couple of domains
> > but all I get is Page Cannot Be Displayed. However, I can ftp and ssh into
> > the box.
> >   I have iptables setup to allow ports 80, 25, 22, 21,53.
> >   When I try telnet 80 I get:
> >   Trying
> >   telnet: connect to address : Connection refused
> >
> >   When I try telnet 25 I get:
> >   Trying
> >   Connected to .
> >   Escape character is '^]'.
> >
> >   Has anybody any ideas why connection is being refused ???
> >
> Is the webserver definately on port 80?  Have you tried running 'nmap
> '?
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