[Preston] Interesting outcome to the workshop Guy and I attended!

Matthew T. Atkinson matthew at agrip.org.uk
Thu Jun 2 12:02:11 BST 2005

I noticed the /. story a few days ago about this and was pleased that
the world was not 100% mad.  After reading this new one, though, it
seems that my optimism may have been misplaced.

They don't realise that the people who believe in this will not be
stopped by the law anyway.  If they make helping society as opposed to
bleeding it dry illegal then it'll just go underground.  The thought of
that is almost comical; you'd usually associate such things with arms
dealing, drugs, piracy -- and now, along side that, Free Software.  What
a joke.

The fact that the whole situation is behaving like a yoyo at the moment
(well maybe it's not, but the media hyperbole doesn't help) is the
hardest thing to take IMO.  Oh well, we'll see if the EC manage to push
the original bill through, despite the continued opposition.

Fingers crossed (except whilst typing).

bye just now,

Matthew T. Atkinson <matthew at agrip.org.uk>

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