[Preston] Meeting on Tuesday

Gareth Llewellyn Gareth at ournetworkismadeofstring.co.uk
Tue Aug 1 16:43:09 BST 2006

It’s the ugly as sin Blue plaster, red brick, cream plaster and black breeze
block building opposite the Students Union


-----Original Message-----
From: preston-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:preston-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Kevin Porter
Sent: 01 August 2006 16:36
To: 'Preston and Lancashire Linux User Group'
Subject: RE: [Preston] Meeting on Tuesday

Think I'll attempt to get to my first ever LUG meeting tonight :)

I presume Fylde Rd is the one that runs from Staples/Maplins to the big
Uni roundabout?
How do I recognise the 'C&T Building'? Does it have a big sign on it
saying 'C&T Building' by any chance?
Any phone number in case I can't find it?


- Kev

-----Original Message-----
From: preston-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:preston-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Guy Heatley
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 12:30 AM
To: Preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: [Preston] Meeting on Tuesday

We´ve got a meeting next Tuesday so I thought the topic of using the
kernel module ¨fuse¨ to create virtual filesystems as a non root user.
You can use a variety of filesystem types such as encrypted or remote
over SSH.

I´ll also bring a device that runs Linux off a compact flash disk
instead of a hard drive, to play with.

The usual place at the usual time. 19:30hrs CM018, C&T building, UCLan,
Fylde Rd. Drinks afterwards (21:00hrs) in the Greyfriar.

Stand up for freedom: Switch to GNU/Linux.
'Microsoft warned today that the era of ''open computing,''
the free exchange of digital information that has defined the personal
computer industry, is ending.' New York Times, July 25, 2002

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