[Preston] Forthcoming Linux meetings

Stephen stephenjohnson at ournetworkismadeofstring.co.uk
Mon Jan 9 13:10:35 GMT 2006

One can never say no to a beer

-----Original Message-----
From: preston-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:preston-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Guy Heatley
Sent: 09 January 2006 00:00
To: PLUG mailing list
Subject: [Preston] Forthcoming Linux meetings

HNY folks! In all the excitement of Xmas we seem to have missed the
1st week of Jan meeting.

The general consensus of opinion seem to be (from a posting here last
month) that the meetings would be better held on the first Tuesday of
the month, rather than wednesday.
And so was written, and LO! it came to pass.

Mike Bach has volunteered to host the next meeting and the topic will
be "Programming the serial port". I'm sure he will post more details
here closer to the event.
Mike has a programmable robotic arm which I feel may feature in the
presentation, although I might be wrong.
(No not his *own* arm: its a discrete and separate unit!)

So, the meeting will be on Tuesday 7th Feb, and be hosted by Mike, all
being well.

PS If anyone would like to meet in the pub on Wednesday this week for
a sneaky beer, I'd be up for it. Say 9pm in the Greyfriars?
Go on! You know you want to...

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