[Preston] July Meeting

Guy Heatley guy.heatley at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 11:44:41 BST 2007

Its the first Tuesday of July tomorrow and therefore time for a PLUG meeting.

I can bring in my Linksys WRT54G wireless router upon which I have
installed OpenWRT

Its quite cool: You can install packages on it with a system very much
like Debian's APT so you can custom design what your wireless router
will do.

Usual time and place:
19:30hrs, CM018, C & T building, Fylde Rd Preston (opp Students Union)
Drinks afterwards in the Greyfriars and around 21:00hrs


Stand up for freedom: Switch to GNU/Linux.
'Microsoft warned today that the era of ''open computing,''
the free exchange of digital information that has defined the
personal computer industry, is ending.'
New York Times, July 25, 2002

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