[Preston] Script to check Apache

Deepan Chakravarthy codeshepherd at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 08:58:19 BST 2008

Stephen Johnson wrote:
> I suggest using nagios or something similar

 Nagios looks awesome..  thanks a lot.
> Deepan wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am looking for a script to check if Apache is up
>> and running, if not the script should send an
>> email automatically. The script has to be run from
>> a different machine (not from the machine that
>> runs apache). So it has to query for a http
>> address and if it receives any other reply that
>> 200 OK, it should send the email. Can you guys
>> suggest on how to go about ? Should I use curl ?
>> or wget ? or ping ? I can handle the email part
>> and cron part. If you guys have a similar script
>> please share it if possible.
>> Regards Deepan Sudoku Solver: http://www.sudoku-solver.net/

Sudoku Solver http://www.sudoku-solver.net/

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