[Preston] Script to check Apache

Kevin Porter kev at 9ballpool.co.uk
Thu Apr 17 09:54:02 BST 2008

Bollocks. I thought this would be a nice pre-breakfast exercise in bash 
scripting, so I knocked up a script, but I guess it's now surplus
to requirements since people have pointed you to a good open source 

Oh well, I wrote it so I'll post it (below). You never know, it might be 
useful. You would use it like:

./check_apache.sh "http://billiardsearch.net"

although you would probably just create a tiny webpage that returns just 
a '1' if server is alive, rather than a full web page.


- Kev



# START Editable variables

EMAIL="kev at 9ballpool.co.uk"

# Don't know / no time to figure out how to get a HTTP header directly 
from curl,
# so we'll use the --dump-header option to output headers to a file, 
then we will
# check the first line of the file for the status of the request

# END Editable variables

# Which web page to request (first command line arg)
if [ -z $1 ]; then
    echo "Usage: check_apache.sh URL"
    exit 1

# Check we have mail
MAILPROG=`which mail 2>/dev/null || echo arse`
if [ $MAILPROG == 'arse' ]; then
    echo "Arse! No curl installed"
    exit 1

# Check we have curl
CURL=`which curl 2>/dev/null || echo arse`
if [ $CURL == 'arse' ]; then
    echo "Arse! No curl installed"
    exit 1

# Run curl
$CURL "$URL" --dump-header "$HEADERS_DUMP_FILE" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

# If the headers dump file doesn't exist, we know we couldn't contact 
apache for
# some reason
if [ ! -f "$HEADERS_DUMP_FILE" ]; then
    REPORT_STR="Couldn't connect to web server"
    echo "$REPORT_STR"
    echo "$REPORT_STR" | $MAILPROG -s "$URL status report" "$EMAIL"
    exit 1

# The headers dump file does exist, so check the first line. Report 
success if
# the status is 200, failure otherwise
HTTP_STATUS=`echo $FIRST_LINE | awk '{print $2}'`

# Clean up

# Report success/failure and exit
if [ $HTTP_STATUS == 200 ]; then
    echo "HTTP status OK (200)"
    exit 0
    REPORT_STR="HTTP status not OK ($HTTP_STATUS)"
    echo "$REPORT_STR"
    echo "$REPORT_STR" | $MAILPROG -s "$URL status report" "$EMAIL"
    exit 1

----- BASH SCRIPT END -----

Deepan wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am looking for a script to check if Apache is up
> and running, if not the script should send an
> email automatically. The script has to be run from
> a different machine (not from the machine that
> runs apache). So it has to query for a http
> address and if it receives any other reply that
> 200 OK, it should send the email. Can you guys
> suggest on how to go about ? Should I use curl ?
> or wget ? or ping ? I can handle the email part
> and cron part. If you guys have a similar script
> please share it if possible.
> Regards 
> Deepan 
> Sudoku Solver: http://www.sudoku-solver.net/ 
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Kevin Porter
Advanced Web Construction Ltd

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