[Preston] Preston LUG

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 19 16:12:45 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-10-18 at 13:23 +0100, mike wrote:
> is the Preston LUG still meeting If so when and where?

I don't know about the LUG (sadly I've never managed to 
make my visits to Preston coincide with the meetings),
but GeekUp [1] now has a regular Preston meeting [2],
and there's cake! :)

btw Next GeekUp Preston is tomorrow. [3]

 - Richard

[1] http://geekup.org/
    "GeekUp is a community of web designers, web developers, and 
     other tech-minded folk from the UK. It's a grassroots knowledge
     sharing and networking social for folks involved or interested
     in the web and technology industry."
[2] http://geekup.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page#Preston (out
    of date?)
[3] http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1220821/

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