[Preston] microsoft helps linux

Tim Dobson lists at tdobson.net
Mon Oct 27 01:12:28 UTC 2008

mike wrote:
> It seems that all that "cracking down" on piracy worked wonders, huh?
> It sent the entire Russian school system directly into the hands of
> the competition. Good work.

Microsoft subconsciously helps the free software community all the time 
by acting like RIAA morons... I'll be quite interested to see if this 
has consequences: http://news.google.co.uk/news?ncl=1260514713

However, I don't really think Microsoft is that much of a threat these 
days... sure it will be dangerous when a large beast comes crashing 
flailing down (ask SCO) but I see more threat to our community from 
Apple than Microsoft.

Just like the ever present blue screening windows pc with the unhelpful 
telephone support, more and more is the ever present Ipod with lock in 
to Job's playground. The iPhone, etc with its extremely restrictive DRM 

Apple is more of a threat, because it appears to
be 'nice' well simultaneously having massive DRM systems, complete 
monopolies and anti-competitive techniques... and the worst bit is..

The average person probably likes them more than Microsoft because they 
are shiny and because the guy on tech support doesn't treat them like a 

Apple, I think, are far more of a threat at the moment than Microsoft - 
at least everyone is watching Microsoft.


If each of us have one object, and we exchange them, then each of us
still has one object.
If each of us have one idea, and we exchange them, then each of us now
has two ideas.   -  George Bernard Shaw

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