[Rustington] U3A

Jack Cogman jack.cogman at btinternet.com
Mon Dec 20 10:53:10 UTC 2010

It's a good idea Frank, but if we do go down that route, the LUG will have to cater for two streams - those who want basic knowledge about computers and those who want to improve their use of Linux. The two do not mix. Separate times will need to be allocated to each stream. 

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On 19 Dec 2010, at 09:22, "fhj at eldy.org" <fhj at eldy.org> wrote:

> The U3A computer group has folded. Could we not step in and collect their
> members and thus be able to pay for our room hire in exchange for help and
> support and perhaps a weaning of ex Microsoft supporters to Linux?
> Please let me have any comments. I have been in touch with Roger Kirk and
> Brian Wise.
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