meetings and members [wasRE: [SC.LUG] Damn!]

Richard Smedley sc at
Sat Dec 7 16:00:00 2002

Martyn Kinder said:

> PS - please can we get away from weekend meets - I would have *loved* to
> have attended the JB talk, but unfortunately due to family commitments
> weekends are out.. (no pun intended!)

Hello Martyn,

The ideal would be to have regular meetings at the weekends,
/and/ during the week - with one being centred around a talk,
and the other an informal get-together, with  maybe a couple
of items of business on a loose agenda.

We have 2 things to sort out.

1 A meeting place: Somewhere we can use computer equipment
  or at least bring a couple of laptops, and have a quiet
  room for a speaker.
  All suggestions/help welcome here.

2 More members:
  At the last meeting we discussed preparing a leaflet to
  hand out at computer fairs. We have some volunteers for
  giving out leaflets. I just need time to start writing
  it. If anyone wants to beat me to it and start, they
  are most welcome.
  A small amount of sponsorship to print the leaflets, and
  maybe press a few discs would be helpful, too.

btw everyone feel free to post announcements to the website -
an e-mail to me, or one of the other admins, will remind us
to approve it quickly :)

- Richard

"Only a phase,            |
these dark café days..."  |  - supporting Free Software

South Cheshire GNU/Linux Users Group